I really miss waking up to Stan making breakfast and then heading on our way to the villages/: Its not the same when you pass someone on the side of the road and they look strange when you wave at them and say hello... having some awkward moments to say the least
PB + Jesus boxes while we were having a clinic day weighing the children to see who needed the packets- The little boy on the right is 6 months old and weighed less than 8 lbs! we took him back to the hospital with us and Christine took care of his medical bills so he could be taken care of
This little girl had her hand burned in a fire and loss her pinky....she had no shame in her game! She acted like nothing was wrong and she kept giving me high fives
When we did our sponsor child day we were not able to find thee children through world vision because it was so last minute...While we were driving we ran into Stans old sponsor childs father and he guided us to the other kids. What a blessing! This is Alyssa and I with the father who helped us and his son.
Finally we found my little beauty Flyness!!! It took us all day but when her mother found out we were looking she came running to us crying with joy(: I am the luckiest girl to be given the Mazoni family to grow in relationship with and help out

Our last morning at the guest house...5:45 am and on our way to Zambia
Lukey and Alyssa getting baptized in Zambia on Safari!!!! Stan asked me to join in and baptize Luke- a huge honor!
Sunset in Zambia
Ahgggg Thank you all sooooooo much!!! I can't wait to talk to you all in person! feel free to ask me anything(: